Want to Survive Digital Disruption? Think Outside the Box with Software-Defined Networking

by | Aug 27, 2019 | Blog

Software-defined networking (SDN) is not just the hottest trend in technology right now — it’s the future for SMBs. Other businesses have caught on to this early, which is why North America is currently the dominant SDN market worldwide. If a business is going to survive in this digital era, leaders don’t really have a choice: consider software-defined networking or get left behind.

IDC networking analysts Brad Casemore and Rohit Mehra don’t refer to SDN as “the next big thing,” but, instead, as “a reality and inevitability for enterprises and service providers worldwide.” It creates a more sophisticated, flexible network and gives businesses more control in managing their software and technologies. Gone are the days where development has to be a costly hurdle that hinders automation and analysis. Today, innovation is a reality — and a more affordable reality, at that.

As businesses are forced to evolve at a rapid pace due to changes in market and consumer behavior, leaders will have peace of mind knowing that SDN capabilities will help them keep pace without sacrificing what’s best for their clients and ultimately their bottom lines.

Give up your hardware commitments

The entire purpose of software-defined networking is to separate the company’s software from its hardware. The software evolves, becoming faster, more efficient, and more reliable as it keeps up with the constantly changing environment. The hardware, then, becomes more interchangeable, which drives down costs. 

Think of your network like the metaphorical glue between computing and storage. If your network isn’t optimal, you won’t be able to deliver top-notch applications. This is paramount; if your network gets in the way of your functionality, your business will suffer.

SDN: The answer to traditional networking challenges

A study done by Nemertes Research found that more than 30 percent of organizations have integrated software-defined networking into their company structure. It’s no surprise: in addition to its cost-effectiveness, SDN is also a timesaver. Unlike in the past, you don’t need experienced IT staff to maintain and manage traditional infrastructure. 

It’s one thing to have to dedicate your resources to a salaried staff, but what many business owners don’t realize is that network downtime can cost companies $140,000 per incident. With SDN, you don’t have to worry about this. Your third-party service provider can detect and resolve issues before they happen. It also cuts down on trouble spots and bottlenecks. Even more valuable, however, is that as SMBs continue to grow, SDN eliminates any geographical boundaries that would have occurred with traditional networking.

Not just a leap of faith

In the business world, software-defined networking will be a part of your future — but don’t worry, support is available to you. It’s important that you are aware of the barriers and challenges that could come with initial adoption, of course, but it doesn’t have to be a complete leap of faith for you.

We are a managed-services provider that can help you navigate the new world of SDN capabilities. While we focus on your IT operations, you are free to focus on your business. This collaborative effort means that we can build custom solutions for you, but you don’t have to worry about the continued maintenance and integration of your IT services. 

As you think towards the future, think about how you can use SDN to survive digital disruption.

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